Happy book day!
¡Feliz día del Libro!
¿Qué tal, cómo va todo? ¡Seguro que genial!
Hoy os proponemos una serie de adivinanzas (riddles), a ver quién es capaz de conseguir la solución.
¿Serás tú? ¡Si te sabes alguna, puedes ponerla en los comentarios!
¡Ah! Si hay palabras que no sabes lo que significan, las puedes buscar en el diccionario. ¡Ánimo!
¡Ah! Si hay palabras que no sabes lo que significan, las puedes buscar en el diccionario. ¡Ánimo!
1. What must be broken before you can use it?
2. What belongs to you but is used more by others?
3. Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
4. Where does Friday come before Thursday?
5. They come out at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
6. I’m as hard as a rock, but I melt immediately in hot water. What am I?
7. What comes down but never goes up?
8. What occurs twice in a week,
once in a year
but never in a day?
9. It is on your head
and under your hat.
What is it?
10. It is round and yellow,
it is like a ball of fire,
it rises in the east,
it sets in the west.
What is it?